Personal Datapool

[phase eins].
data pool
The [phase eins]. data pool is comprised of the pieces of information stored in our databank that concern architects, urban planners, landscape architects and specialist engineers, the [phase eins]. data-pool members.
The data stored are company addresses, names of contact persons, details about reference projects (project name, place, client, project type, etc.) plus prizes and awards won by the practice and titles of publications about the practice. As it is the practices themselves who enter the data online, it is them who are responsible for both content and topicality.

At present, this databank is comprised of 9213 data sets about practices from 95 countries.

[phase eins]. data-pool members can, via the personal data pool page, update their data anytime. On the same page, interested colleagues can register for the first time or check whether they are already registered.

Follow this link to enter the personal data pool.